What is C?

The C programming language was developed at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie (1941-2011, right in picture below) for the development of Unix. As the story goes, C came after A and B — two discarded languages. The third attempt named after the third letter of the English alphabet (C) was the winner. It takes system programmers to make a decision based only on the order of letters in the alphabet.

By Unknown author — http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/U/Unix.html, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=31308

C is the heart of Unix and all its derivatives. This means that to really know Unix, BSD, Linux and related OSs, you need to know C.

Since many OSs are written in C partially or completely, you can use C to program in most OSs and even manipulate the OS if needed even calling code written in assembly. C allows you to work closely with the hardware regardless of the OS. In other words, C is cross-platform, in part thanks to the POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) standard that software vendors must follow in order to sell products and services to the US government.

Abstract: ISO/IEC 9945-1: 1990 (IEEE Std 1003.1-1990), Information technology—Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX)—Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language] is part of the POSIX series of standards for applications and user interfaces to open systems. It defines the applications interface to basic system services for input/output, file system access, and process management. It also defines a format for data interchange. This standard is stated in terms of its C binding.

From the various programming languages I have studied and/or worked with, C remains the most intuitive to my thought process after BASIC where a simple command like printf("Hello, World!") can return a simple output ("Hello, World!") while closely interacting with the OS (stdout, standard out).

What are C++, C#, HolyC, LPC and other Cs?

There are languages derived from C as extensions of the language, which most likely kept the C part of the name for marketing purposes more than anything.

Not a safe language:

The only problem with older languages like C, including C++ (one language extension I really like), and assembly is that has come up as of the National Security Agency (NSA) 11/10/2022 press release is that some languages are not "memory safe" (chance of code being exploited). Needless to say, C and assembly are not in this safe list.

Memory issues in software comprise a large portion of the exploitable vulnerabilities in existence. NSA advises organizations to consider making a strategic shift from programming languages that provide little or no inherent memory protection, such as C/C++, to a memory safe language when possible. Some examples of memory safe languages are C#, Go, Java, Ruby™, and Swift®. Memory safe languages provide differing degrees of memory usage protections, so available code hardening defenses, such as compiler options, tool analysis, and operating system configurations, should be used for their protections as well. By using memory safe languages and available code hardening defenses, many memory vulnerabilities can be prevented, mitigated, or made very difficult for cyber actors to exploit.

Although not listed in the quote above, Python, a language I am interested in, is considered safe.